27 March 2009

You Know You're From Brockton When,,,

This is for all the Brockton natives,both present and past (maybe future?)

If you find this true,then rep the 508 mofos!

You know you're from Brockton,MA when....

-You see five homeless people in one hour.

-Belmont Street in the early afternoon turns into a NASCAR racetrack.

-Theres a CVS by every Dunkin Donuts followed by a strip mall.

-You go to a Rox game,but dont watch the game.

-Westgate Mall sucks as a mall, yet you hang there regularly.

-The East Side Projects are a good use of space.

-You have no idea who the mayor is.

-MySpace is not just a website,its a way of life.(Sorry Facebook!)

-If you manage your way in and out of Brockton High School during the morning without cursing,fenderbending or getting pulled over by the cops,you're already having a good day.

-Cape Verdeans and Haitians outnumber black,white and Asian people.

-Everyones got either a Nextel or a Sidekick LX.

-Route 24 is known as "The Highway".

-The teen clubs are a good place to lose your virginity.

-The Cape Verdean Minister is a frequent sighting.

-You plan to move as far away from Brockton when you get older the minute you move here.

-Downtown Brockton reminds you of Berlin after the end of WWII.

-The Northside doesn't look like the rest of the city.

-You get offended when an out of towner makes fun of Brockton.

-Main Street turns into Prostitute Central at night.

-When people ask where you live,you say "Boston" instead of "Brockton" (cuz who knows where the hell Brockton is anyways?).

-Brockton Hospital is a last resort for healthcare.

-You navigate the BAT bus system with ease.

-During a half day,all the white people go to Friendly's,all the black people go to Burger King,all the Asians go to Taco Bell and theres always a fight in front of McDonalds.

-You get these jokes and pass them on to other people from Brockton.

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