23 March 2009

R&P Episode 4:Stimulus Package

Good Evening,
So today's blog and rant will be about President Obama's stimulus plan.Oh yeah,I'm going there and I'll be back for more.That's why its called Ruthless and Proud,because you cant turn back.So,here we go!

Today's topic is...
President Obama's stimulus package

After much praise and debate,President Obama signed his long awaited stimulus plan into law in Denver,CO.Denver is also the place where he accepted the Democratic nomination for president.If you're struggling in this recession,trust me,you wont be for long.Obama is goving money away like its going out of style!Everybody is getting money,and I mean EVERYBODY!!!!College students,old people,young people,single parents,married people,rich people,poor people,homeless people,blacks and white people,cats,dogs,fish,seag
ulls, the sane and insane,ANYBODY!
No wonder this guy won.He wasn't playing around when he said he was bringing hope and change to America.No one knew it came with thier own personal piece of the pie.If all thigns to according to plan,America will be back on its feet in no time!
So in conclusion,everybody is getting some type of assistance from this stimulus plan.Everybody from Brad the sophomore at UCLA to Janice the single parent,even Sparky,your neighbor's black labrador.

Love,peace and chicken grease,y'all.Ttyl.


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