27 March 2009

My Summer in D.C.

In February 2008, I recieved a letter from Presidential Classroom inviting me to join them for a week in the summer to go do various activites in Washington D.C.!Exciting right?At first,it wasnt.I mean,D.C.?Can you get any more dull?It's nothing but building housing all these departments...Dept.of Transportation,the FAA,Dept. of Agriculture..whoohoo.And two,a whole week alone with brand new people?Now for most,a situation like this isn't exactly a walk in the park.However,an outgoing character like me loves an oppritunity like this!So after getting all the paperwork filed away,I said goodbye to my parents and entered Terminal C at Logan International Airport to board JetBlue Airways Flight 1253 to Washington Dulles Airport.After meeting with the PC representative, I met my first PC peeps (yeah i called them my peeps,we gotta problem?). One of them,Ron eventually became my roomate.Then the PC experience began.Everything from business causal wear to the backseat crew to Caucus 1 to messed up countoffs where one of us would always forget his or her number.From taking 400 photos of one site to having lunch with new people everyday,only to forget who they were.From group photos to touring sites we've never seen in our lives,from Capitol Hill Day to sweating off 30 pounds while you were rushing in between buildings.From blisters and cuts on our feet to our cameras dying when we really needed them,it was an experience of a lifetime.I loved my time at PC and everybody that was a part of it.And although it was a bit of a adjustment from all of us,it was one I was willing to make.

So in conclusion,my fellow PC alumni,I'm glad I came to D.C.The people,sights and sounds I experienced were awesome.Or as we say here in Massachusetts, WICKED PISSA!

Sincerely yours,

James A. Jackson (no relation)

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