27 March 2009

25 Random Things about Me!

Here are 25 random things baout me.Enjoy!

1.I work at Petsmart
2.I hate static electricity
3.My procrasinaton is out of control
4.I hope to become president someday
5.I have a huge crush on Barack Obama
6.Facebook,to me is A-Ok
7.I hate fake people (who doesnt?)
8.My best friends vary by day,mood and month
9.I hate the Mannings with a passion
10.I love to text,yet I don't think I text enough
11.Ranting is mad fun in my opinion
12.I'm not Haitian
13.I'm from Atlanta,GA
14.I live with my grandparents
15.I was a badass in elementary school
16.I have a wierd obsession with SUV's
17.Funny YouTube videos make my day
18.I miss my long lost friends
19.Slow walking people aggravate me
20.Riding on the T excites me
21.I'm scared when an airplane takes off
22.Washington,DC is my favorite place on the East Coast (sorry Boston!)
23.I live in an apartment
24.I dont know who my biological father is
25.I have 3 sisters and 1 brother

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