18 November 2009

Autumn Update

Hello everyone!I haven't blogged in a while,so I thought I would give an update on my life.Freshmen year at Lasell College has thrown me for a loop.It is very similar to my freshman year in high school and boy,was that a bad year.Nonetheless,I am making it through as best I know how.I'm also broke from week to week because I'm being paid bi-weekly now.Sure,I get a fat paycheck,but damn I miss my job at Petsmart.I've also become an intern in my state Senator's office.My first day here and I'm already being hailed as a hero.It's what I do.Thanksgiving is just a few days away,and I cant wait to catch up with my cousin (whos at St. John's in NYC) and my big sis (UMass Boston) and my lil sis Chrisma (Hancock Elementary).

Yepp,I have been kept pretty busy here in Newton.I'm ready for all and any challenges.

22 October 2009

25 Random Things-Episode 5

Hi everyone,as you can see college has taken over my life.But I'm back,alive and well and with another entry into the award winning series,25 Random Thoughts!

1.Just when I say 'no' to Twitter,I signed up for a profile.
2.And now i have 1300+ tweets.Crazy talk.
3.I'm gunna be James Brown for Halloween.Now where to find the hair...
4.My insomnia has gotten worse since I've been here...
5.No this fat bitch did not have on sweatpants that said 'Juicy'.Like we couldn't tell.
6.I quote movies no ones heard of.
7.Paranormal Activity scared the shit out of me.Legit.
8.Season 4 of Dexter is so much better than season 3...
9.I hate Subway.They dont put no meat on thier sandwiches...
10.Sorry,but Im a nigga.and niggas need food to survive.
11.Cafeteria food is not meant to be eaten everyday...
12.Dumb girls make me wanna slap the shit out of every bitch.
13.If I hear 'I Gotta Feeling' one more time,I swear im driving my car into a elementary school.
14.I've lost all respect for mainstream rap.Its all about that underground shit...
15.I'm getting the Zune HD.Jealous?
16.2010 sounds soo futuristic,werent we supposed to have flying cars and jetpacks and shit?
17.I love James Brown's music.He was the man.
18.I'm slowly,but surely,leaning conservative.
19.This bipolar weather is getting on my nerves....
20.I want to live in Boston when I get older.
21.The legal age to drink.
22.Although most of us do it wayy before then...
23.Unlike 99% of college kids,I dont need to drink to have a good time.
24.And why get shitfaced.have a hangover,only to do it all again tomorrow?RETARDED.
25.Id slap a hoe for coming at me sideways.Dont believe me?Try me.

21 August 2009

25 Random Thoughts:Episode 4

Special shoutout to my number one fan,Breanne!

1.I just cleaned my house for no apparent reason.
2.I've always wanted to visit Scandinavia.
3.They canceled Mind of Mencia??Fuck you Comedy Central!
4.Patton Oswalt is NOT funny.
5.And Dane Cook is....OK.
6.Selling on eBay is fun!
7.I still enjoy a long road trip as much as the next guy.
8.The most technological advanced room in your house is the bathroom.
9.My Venus flytrap is doing well and I named it!
10.Cleveland-At least we're not Detroit!
11.Detroit-At least we're not.......Africa.
12.Is it me or does Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons remind you of JFK?
13.New Yorkers are rude as hell.
14.Jay Leno is a funny motherfucka!
15.Why are there so many late night shows?Like,who watches them?
16.I think I might buy American for my first car...
17.Pres. Obama is gunna be in Martha's Vineyard this weekend!How are they gunna land AF1 at MVY?
18.That's my age!!Finally!!!
19.You know,blogging is fun.
20.dollar lottery tickets don't increase ur chances of winning...
21.I want a Blackberry!
22.My family is becoming religious and me and my semi atheist ways arent liking it...
23.I'm an independent!
24.Republicans are starting to piss me off...assholes.
25.The Chrysler Pacifica is a really nice car to drive.

16 August 2009

25 Random Thoughts

Happy birthday to me!!!!!!Here's another episode of 25 random thoughts!

1.I dont like laughing at jokes I don't find funny.
2.Clam chowder doesn't have clams in it?
3.I'm blogging on my iPod touch!it's soo cool!
4.I won $2 on my first lottery ticket.Go me.
5.Give me that filet o' fish,gimme that fish!
6.I want some goldfish!!!
7.I'm stuck on band aids because band aids are stuck on me!
8.I want to go to the movies!!!!
9.Ah wah wah!
10.I'm tired of these motherfuckin snakes on this motherfuckin plane!
11.Google:All of lifes answers in under a second.
12.P. Diddy,you ain't no Sir Rock Obama.
13.This looks like a B...lol
14.I love watching cooking shows on a Friday.
15.Call the po-po hoe!
16.I stay up ridiculously late for no reason....
17.I'm selling my iPod when Apple comes out with the 3rd generation....
19.Hahaha I skipped 18....
20.days til college!
21.I want a Venus flytrap,and i'm gunna name is Squishy..
22.And he shall be mine,he shall be my Squishy...
24.Is it me,or can all of MJ's song titles be used in a sentence?
25.Hey,don't mess with him,he's Bad.If you do mess with the Man in the Mirror,he'll Scream and trust you sure don't want Blood on the Dance Floor...

06 August 2009

25 Random Thoughts:Episode 2

Up next,another episode of the award winning blog,25 Random Thoughts!

1.I'm impressed with my iTunes playlist.
2.True Crime:Streets of LA is not an accurate depiction of LA and thier 45-hour long commutes.
3.I've strated to listen to salsa music more...whats going on with me?
4.And I like...smooth jazz?Am I going through a recession too?
5.The Red Sox need to get thier act together,you see this is what happens when you dont have any Dominicans on the team...
6.Paris Hilton is famous because her daddy owns a hotel chain?So what,you aint never see them Ramada bitches?What about the Holiday Inn Twins?
7.I thought I'd be excited about this HDTV...but its not...that exciting.Darn you HDTV technology and your over hypedness!
8.Peachtree swag,you can call me Mr. Lenox.
9.What's with these damn male enhancement commercials?If you can't get it up,thats God's way of saying "Stop having sex!"
10.days til my bday!
11.I don't like Range Rovers,they seem too bulky.
12.I love how there's a part of Brockton that doesn't look like Brockton...
13.I woke up with my phone in my hands...am I that addicted?
14.I've been told by many people that I should run for politics....maybe I should.
15.As my first day of college closes in,I feel myself maturing with each day.
16.The Cheesecake Factory is expensive as hell!
17.I want to get more organized for the fall although controlled chaos has always been my thing.
18.Mary J. Blige keeps doing her thing.Go ahead girl,I see you.
19.Why do white people sit out in the sun all day,then complain about thier sunburn the next day?
20.White people in general should be a different subject in a anthropology book.
21.Anthropology?Did I just spell that correctly?
22.I STILL don't get that 'best I Ever Had' video.Geez,Drake,you hot,but you cant do that.
23.I actually like Twitter.
24.Fuck GPS,trust James.
25.If you don't like what I'm saying,put a dick to your ear and fuck what ya heard!

I'm out!

05 August 2009

25 Random Thoughts:Episode 1

Alright,I haven't blogged in a while but now that its nearing my birthday (August 16,and I accept cash) I decided to try something new.Its called "25 Random Thoughts".I realized that I have a lot of thoughts I keep to myself,so now I'm going to share it with you guys!
Here we go!

1.I've seriously considered selling my iPod on eBay for the past week or so.
2.It's sad how I watch the National Geographic Channel more than the evening news.
3.Blogging is fun!
4.Work+high school=hectic schedule.I wonder how college will factor into that.
5.I cant wait for my birthday!
6.My texting rate has decreased over the summer...maybe its time for new texting buddies.
7.I've always liked this number.
8.I never log on my Myspace anymore....
9.I love this show Cops.
10.Where's Joe Biden nowadays?Thats the only reason I voted for Obama...because if I voted based on the race card,I'd be labeled a racist.
11.And that just doesn't work out for my ego.
12.I got a big ego...oooh,I talk like this cuz I can back it up.
13.I really cannot wait for college.
14.I love the month of August,which just also happens to be the month I was born in.
15.I've always like counting in sets of 15.
16.Can we get rid of the state of Alaska?I mean,they dont want to be a part of the US then screw them.Lets annex Puerto Rico.
17.I really don't think 25 spots is enough to express what goes on in my mind on a daily basis.It's like the CNN Breaking News scroll.
18.10 days till I'm 18!
19.I'm in love with music.It'ssomething I just cannot live without.
20.Brockton needs a monorail system.
21.Hi hater!
22.A lot of people like my sense of humor.Trust me,it wasn't easy to come by.
23.What si the point of an online university?Like,its hard enough to stay awake and concentrated in a regular classroom,what makes them think having it via internet wil make it any better?
24.Stephen King's novel 'Cell' is genius.
25.Stephen King in general is genius.

15 July 2009

2010 PC Reunion

Today is July 15th,2009 and this time last year,160 teenagers from America,Brazil,Puerto Rico and California came to Washington DC and had a once in a lifetime experience at Presidential Classroom,or "PC" as its known to us.

As the world turned and time flew,we all wanted something that would re connect us together as one,happy,international family.

In 2010,these 160 people will reunite once more.

PC kids 'excited and anxious' for reunion

BOSTON-James Jackson,creator of the PC Reunion Committee (and the Snuggie),said today that he would give a basic outline of the much anticipated reunion,which is scheduled to happen late summer 2010.

"I'm exicted just thinking about it," said Jackson in an interview conducted earlier."It's going to be awesome to see them all once again,and I know they've been waiting for it."

Mr. Jackson encouraged people to follow him on Facebook (facebook.com/atlkid891) and Twitter (twitter.com/atlkid891) along with this blog for the latest updates on the reunion.The Reunion was first set into motion just hours after the last day at PC in 2008.Earlier this year,James Jackson set up a group for the reunion that is now 64 members strong.

Although he was pressed for details,Mr.Jackson said he will be giving out more information on Friday and again on Saturday for his weekly PC chat.