05 August 2009

25 Random Thoughts:Episode 1

Alright,I haven't blogged in a while but now that its nearing my birthday (August 16,and I accept cash) I decided to try something new.Its called "25 Random Thoughts".I realized that I have a lot of thoughts I keep to myself,so now I'm going to share it with you guys!
Here we go!

1.I've seriously considered selling my iPod on eBay for the past week or so.
2.It's sad how I watch the National Geographic Channel more than the evening news.
3.Blogging is fun!
4.Work+high school=hectic schedule.I wonder how college will factor into that.
5.I cant wait for my birthday!
6.My texting rate has decreased over the summer...maybe its time for new texting buddies.
7.I've always liked this number.
8.I never log on my Myspace anymore....
9.I love this show Cops.
10.Where's Joe Biden nowadays?Thats the only reason I voted for Obama...because if I voted based on the race card,I'd be labeled a racist.
11.And that just doesn't work out for my ego.
12.I got a big ego...oooh,I talk like this cuz I can back it up.
13.I really cannot wait for college.
14.I love the month of August,which just also happens to be the month I was born in.
15.I've always like counting in sets of 15.
16.Can we get rid of the state of Alaska?I mean,they dont want to be a part of the US then screw them.Lets annex Puerto Rico.
17.I really don't think 25 spots is enough to express what goes on in my mind on a daily basis.It's like the CNN Breaking News scroll.
18.10 days till I'm 18!
19.I'm in love with music.It'ssomething I just cannot live without.
20.Brockton needs a monorail system.
21.Hi hater!
22.A lot of people like my sense of humor.Trust me,it wasn't easy to come by.
23.What si the point of an online university?Like,its hard enough to stay awake and concentrated in a regular classroom,what makes them think having it via internet wil make it any better?
24.Stephen King's novel 'Cell' is genius.
25.Stephen King in general is genius.

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