21 August 2009

25 Random Thoughts:Episode 4

Special shoutout to my number one fan,Breanne!

1.I just cleaned my house for no apparent reason.
2.I've always wanted to visit Scandinavia.
3.They canceled Mind of Mencia??Fuck you Comedy Central!
4.Patton Oswalt is NOT funny.
5.And Dane Cook is....OK.
6.Selling on eBay is fun!
7.I still enjoy a long road trip as much as the next guy.
8.The most technological advanced room in your house is the bathroom.
9.My Venus flytrap is doing well and I named it!
10.Cleveland-At least we're not Detroit!
11.Detroit-At least we're not.......Africa.
12.Is it me or does Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons remind you of JFK?
13.New Yorkers are rude as hell.
14.Jay Leno is a funny motherfucka!
15.Why are there so many late night shows?Like,who watches them?
16.I think I might buy American for my first car...
17.Pres. Obama is gunna be in Martha's Vineyard this weekend!How are they gunna land AF1 at MVY?
18.That's my age!!Finally!!!
19.You know,blogging is fun.
20.dollar lottery tickets don't increase ur chances of winning...
21.I want a Blackberry!
22.My family is becoming religious and me and my semi atheist ways arent liking it...
23.I'm an independent!
24.Republicans are starting to piss me off...assholes.
25.The Chrysler Pacifica is a really nice car to drive.

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