22 October 2009

25 Random Things-Episode 5

Hi everyone,as you can see college has taken over my life.But I'm back,alive and well and with another entry into the award winning series,25 Random Thoughts!

1.Just when I say 'no' to Twitter,I signed up for a profile.
2.And now i have 1300+ tweets.Crazy talk.
3.I'm gunna be James Brown for Halloween.Now where to find the hair...
4.My insomnia has gotten worse since I've been here...
5.No this fat bitch did not have on sweatpants that said 'Juicy'.Like we couldn't tell.
6.I quote movies no ones heard of.
7.Paranormal Activity scared the shit out of me.Legit.
8.Season 4 of Dexter is so much better than season 3...
9.I hate Subway.They dont put no meat on thier sandwiches...
10.Sorry,but Im a nigga.and niggas need food to survive.
11.Cafeteria food is not meant to be eaten everyday...
12.Dumb girls make me wanna slap the shit out of every bitch.
13.If I hear 'I Gotta Feeling' one more time,I swear im driving my car into a elementary school.
14.I've lost all respect for mainstream rap.Its all about that underground shit...
15.I'm getting the Zune HD.Jealous?
16.2010 sounds soo futuristic,werent we supposed to have flying cars and jetpacks and shit?
17.I love James Brown's music.He was the man.
18.I'm slowly,but surely,leaning conservative.
19.This bipolar weather is getting on my nerves....
20.I want to live in Boston when I get older.
21.The legal age to drink.
22.Although most of us do it wayy before then...
23.Unlike 99% of college kids,I dont need to drink to have a good time.
24.And why get shitfaced.have a hangover,only to do it all again tomorrow?RETARDED.
25.Id slap a hoe for coming at me sideways.Dont believe me?Try me.

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