08 July 2009

R&P Episode 5:Summer 2009

Good Afternoon!
So today's blog/rant will be about this whack ass summer weather.Oh yeah,I'm going there and I'll be back for more.That's why its called Ruthless and Proud,because you cant turn back.So,here we go!

Today's topic is....
Summer 2009's weather

Alright,so as most of you know,I live in Massachusetts,home of the world's most bipolar weather.Like this winter wasn't bad,but it did snow.ALOT.So,as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,us Bay Staters and New Englanders alike waited for summer like a hungry dog waits for food.Along comes May and towards the end,the heat told us that summer wasn't far away.Then June came and fucked up everything.Everything?EVERYTHANG!It was ridiculous.It felt like March rather than June.It made me want to 'March' right to Florida!Every day it was raining and cloudy and cold.Rain and cold.Rain and cold.
I didn't know we lived in frickin Seattle for god's sake!I mean,is it too hard,God,to ask for a couple of days in the 80's??I know I live in New England,but hell it's better than Alaska!I would even go so far as to say Alaskans would say this is some ridiculous weather.Like graduation day for example.In the years before,its been proven to be a hot and muggy day.But for my graduation it was 73 with a light breeze.Don't get me wrong,it was fine,but I'm black.AND I'm from the south.I need sun and hot weather to survive and thrive.I'm solar powered!Yes that sounds weird but....hey,who are you to judge?
Maybe now people will actually start believing in global warming.Since I already knew and acknowledged that,I'm going to treat myself to some fun in the sun.Now if you'll excuse me,I'm off to LA.
Love,peace and chicken grease y'all.


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